Senin, Februari 15

1. If you know now in my hand there is your name, what did you feel? sure you don't care
2. I was envious of you with her, but i try to give that up because i love you
3. I was up to you, all i could do was wait and answer
4. I'm glad that you like, although it was painful for me, i don't care because i love you
5. I don't care if i'm too hyperbolic, because i'm in love
6. I really miss you, where are you? Do you still remember me?
7. Only time can answer
8. L-O-V-E, the thing that i can't explain
9. I really can't forget you a_ _ y , i love you boy
10. You told me to be with gl_ _, but i can't, because i just love you _ y, no one can replace it
11. I don't know why my hands to type all expressions of love this, maybe because i'm in love
12. Please tell me how to forget you, because it was the most difficult thing for me in this world
13. Loving someone means we're ready to get hurt
14. I hate you, but deep inside in my heart is i love you
15. Ok now it's up to you, i can only do what you said, for the last time i will say one word that is BYEBYE a_ _ y, i'll always love you, i will always remember you

Jumat, Februari 12

apa yg aku mau

halo semua mau cerita nih ttg apa aja yg lagi pengen gue mau hm sebenernya sih cmn 1 tp gatau deh boleh apa engga huh ini dia............jengjengjengjeng

YAK ipaaadd huahaua ada yg senasib sm gue engga? smg aja ada huaua bedoa aja var dibeliin ipad haha aminamin smg boleh amin!! atau ada yg mau beliin? wakwakwak pasti gaada (iyalah -__-) yaudah ya mau tidur lg yaa bloggerss capek kmrn abis basket hehe byebye
do not force me to be with him, cause when i'm with him i can remember you


heyhey blog mau cerita nih hari rabu minggu kmrn masa ya kan ayya bawa laptop trs kita sekelas yg bagian blkng foto foto seru bggggggttt deh mau liat ga fotonya? ini di share deh hehe

hello everybody, how are you? long time no see, baikbaik saja kan? i hope so wk sok inggerrriiss bgt lu var yaudah skrng gue mau cerita apaya gatau udah kelamaan gaposting jadinya gini nih bingung gatau mau posting apa, oya mau download lagu nihh tp gatau lg apa yg tau RT ya -____- emangnya ini twitter var ini blog hm OHIYA kyknya skrng bakal jarang post deh lebih sering online ---) twitter oiya follow ya @varapieter yg follow nanti masuk surga hehe amin nnt difollow back kok tenang aja okeyokey byebye tweepss